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I am honored to be serving as local counsel for the Innocence Project on the State v. Roberto Mincey in Chatham County Superior Court in Mr. Mincey’s motion for post-conviction DNA testing. I am pleased to continue this relationship, which began when I served as local counsel for the Innocence Project in the matter of State v. Samuel Scott in 2002. Mr. Scott was exonerated on the basis of post-conviction DNA testing, and along with his co-accused Douglas Echols, was the first post-conviction DNA exoneree in Chatham County. Innocence Project staff attorney Adnan Sultan is lead counsel on Mr. Mincey’s case. Mr. Mincey’s motion has been heard and briefed. We are awaiting the court’s ruling. Check by for updates.


I am pleased to announce that a chapter I co-wrote with a team of colleagues from the UK and Belgium has recently been published. The chapter discusses an international research project conducted through the European Research Area Network on Illicit Drugs and is included in a collection edited by Professors David Best (UK) and Charlotte Colman (Belgium).

David Best, Charlotte Colman, Wouter Vanderplasschen, Freya Vander Laenen, Jamie Irving, Michael Edwards, Rebecca Hamer & Thomas Martinelli (2019). How do mechanisms for behaviour change in addiction recovery apply to desistance from offending? Learning lessons from the REC-PATH programme of work. In D. Best and C. Colman (Eds.), Strengths-Based Approaches to Crime and Substance Use: From Drugs and Crime to Desistance and Recovery. London: Routledge.


Bike Walk Savannah

I am honored to announce my election to serve as co-Chairman of the Board of Bike Walk Savannah, joined in the endeavor by my good friend and co-Chair Mike Nadeau from Fleet Feet Savannah. We are pleased to lead a fantastic board and support our amazing and indefatigable Executive Director Caila Brown. Bike Walk Savannah’s Mission is to promote an equitable environment for biking and walking in Savannah. Our Vision is a connected community that is inclusive and vibrant with welcoming places to bike and walk. For information about Bike Walk Savannah and what we’re up to, visit https://bikewalksavannah.org and come join us for a ride!

Kicklighter Resource Center

I am delighted to announce that I was recently invited on to the Board of the Kicklighter Resource Center. Kicklighter Resource Center’s Mission is to improve the quality of life of children and adults with autism and other developmental and physical disabilities through advocacy, community awareness, family support and direct programs. Kicklighter Resource Center operates Kicklighter Academy, a uniquely inclusive learning environment for children with and without disabilities. Thanks to Board Chairman John Rodman for his endorsement and Executive Director Stacey Davis for her extraordinary and tireless work. Learn more about Kicklighter Resource Center at http://krcacademy.org.

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